双重招生为高中生提供了同时获得高中和大学学分的机会. 高中生也可以选择在线或面对面的大学学分课程. 

What is Dual Enrollment? 

双招生课程是指高中学生参加的大学课程(100级或200级). 15岁以上的学生才有资格参加大学课程. 某些课程要求学生达到相同的先决条件/考试成绩. 不符合年龄/年级要求的学生可以通过填写高地学院弃权表来申请录取. 

双学分课程授予高中和大学学分. 授予大学课程高中学分的决定是由学区决定的. 只有大学学分的课程授予学分,但不授予高中学分.  

Benefits of Dual Enrollment


你的生活很忙,所以我们尽量在上课地点上提供灵活性. Classes are either taught:

  • at your high school
  • 在菲律宾十大彩票平台学院或蒙大拿巴特的高地学院的校园里
  • online with Montana Tech or Highlands College


The One-Two-Free dual enrollment program offers up to six credits, 通过蒙大拿大学系统(MUS)发放给所有符合条件的高中生.

  • 该项目为符合条件的高中学生免费提供整个高中生涯的前六个学分 entire four years of high school.
  • 在修完6个免费学分后,学生需支付高地学院50%的学费
  • 证明有需要的学生可以申请困难奖学金,以支付超过第一个免费六个学分的学费. Download the scholarship application.
  • 1 - 2免制适用于参与院校的低级别双招生课程, whether it is online, on-campus, or in the high school.


We offer many courses in areas outside the standard mathematics, English, sciences and humanities, including CTE (career and technical education) courses. 通过双注册课程探索你的兴趣和激情. 


The transition from high school to college is exciting. It can be a stressful time for students and parents. By enrolling in a dual enrollment course, 学生们可以体验一下大学生活,这有助于他们轻松地进入大学. 

Becoming a Dual Enrollment Student


  • Enrolled in a Montana high school district. To participate in dual enrollment opportunities, 在家接受教育的学生可以通过他们居住的地区报名参加双注册课程.
  • Between the ages of 16–19.
  • 通过顺利完成他们年级要求的高中课程,走上高中毕业的道路.

First-time Students

如果这是你第一次参加我们的双注册课程, you must complete and submit the following forms and information.

Returning Students


Return Application Materials

Montana Tech
Dual Enrollment Program
1300 W Park
Butte, MT 59701

Email: dualenrollment@86811.net

Fax: 406-496-4696

FAQ's about dual credit

Learn the answers to frequently asked questions.

Important Information

Find out about costs, registration, and dropping a class.

Operational Guidelines


CCN Course Guide


MUS Transfer

Find out how your courses will transfer in the MUS system.

Connect with us.

We can answer your questions and help you get started.

Kinsley Rafish
krafish@86811.net or (406) 496-4684